Most private campground owners operate businesses that can be described to be a small or medium sized business. Most of these businesses are incorporated and as such seek to claim the “small business deduction” (SBD) in calculating taxes payable.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) perceives the SBD as a high-risk area of non-compliance through multiplying claims and by non-qualifying entities making claims.
Advancements in technology has permitted the CRA to manage compliance risk in a more surgical manner from offices and without a personal visit to businesses.
In today’s environment, the CRA can conduct statistical analysis from data sets obtained from tax returns and other agencies such as Statistics Canada to identify pockets or areas of potential non-compliance.
Canadian Camping and RV Council has engaged lobbyists and lawyers to help advocate the Canada Revenue Agency and the current Federal Government. We encourage CCRVC Campground Owners to contact us to learn how to best “CRA Proof” your business. Read More