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Canadian Outdoor Recreation Trade Associations Form New Coalition

TORONTO, ON – [October 3, 2019], A group of Canadian outdoor industry leaders announced today the formation of the Canadian Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (CORR) to provide a strong voice for outdoor use across Canada. CORR will unite a wide range of Canada’s leading industry stakeholders behind policies and legislative reforms needed to grow the outdoor […]

RV Media nommé fournisseur de solutions de marketing numérique pour les terrains de camping et membres du Conseil canadien du camping et du VR

Pour diffusion immédiate Orangeville (On) le 9 août 2019 – Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que RV Media, une division de Dufferin Media, a été nommée fournisseur privilégié de solutions de marketing numérique pour le Conseil canadien du camping et du VR. RV Media offrira des services de gestion des médias sociaux ainsi que des services […]

Canadian RV and Camping Industry urges the Government to continue to aggressively pursue the lifting of the Steel and Aluminum Tariffs and to Implement a fair taxation regime for campgrounds

OTTAWA, May 6th, 2019 – Representatives from the Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA) of Canada and the Canadian Camping and RV Council (CCRVC) visited Parliament Hill on May 2nd to discuss the impacts of the steel and aluminum tariffs on our industry and the need for implementation of a fair tax regime for small Private […]

L’industrie canadienne des véhicules récréatifs invite le gouvernement à poursuivre résolument le retrait des tarifs douaniers sur l’acier et sur l’aluminium et à mettre en place un régime fiscal équitable pour les terrains de camping.

OTTAWA, le 6 mai 2019 – Des représentants de l’Association des commerçants de véhicules récréatifs (ACVR) du Canada et du Conseil canadien du camping et du VR (CCCVR) se sont rendus sur la Colline du Parlement le 2 mai pour discuter des répercussions des tarifs douaniers sur l’acier et sur l’aluminium sur notre industrie et […]

Compliance Activities- Canada Revenue Agency meets Standing Committee on Finance

December 13, 2018 From the office of: Blake Richards Member of Parliament Banff-Airdrie I wanted to provide you with an update on the federal Government’s taxation rules regarding campgrounds.  Unfortunately, this Liberal government has decided to persist in waging war against small businesses. Many campgrounds continue to receive assessment notices from the CRA notifying them […]

Why should you belong to an association?

Why should you belong to an association? For most people considering purchasing a membership, what this question really means is, what will I get out of belonging to an association? Will the money be worth it? What an association gives to its members is carefully coordinated and offered so that members receive the most benefit. […]

New Economic Impact of the Canadian Recreation Vehicle Industry

New Economic Impact of the Canadian Recreation Vehicle Industry Shows Growth in all Sectors  Richmond, BC. May 17, 2018 – The Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA) of Canada and the Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association (CRVA) are releasing their updated study, showcasing the economic impact of the Canadian recreation vehicle (RV) industry. The study, conducted by […]