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CCRVC helps with guidance for Newfoundland and Labrador Campgrounds

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Guidance for Newfoundland and Labrador Campgrounds

Note: National parks are subject to rules and regulations by Parks Canada. The information below pertains to provincial and private campgrounds in Newfoundland and Labrador. In Alert Level 3, provincial, municipal and private campgrounds are permitted to open for limited overnight camping, with restrictions.

Decisions regarding the timing of Provincial Park opening rests with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation.

[button link=”https://atlanticrvparksandcampgrounds.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/06/Newfoundland-Labrador-Campground-Guidelines.pdf”] View Guide[/button]

General Restrictions:

  • Day use of campgrounds and parks is permitted in Alert Level 3.
  • Overnight camping access will be limited to self-contained units, including RVs or cabins that have a water supply, holding tanks and personal washroom facilities.
  • Occupants of a campsite must be from the same extended bubble.
  • There must be a distance of at least 30 feet between units (measured door to door) to ensure appropriate physical distancing. Campers must stay at least 6 feet away from each other, unless they are part of the same bubble.
  • Overnight tent camping is not permitted in Alert Level 3. No group campsites/reservations are permitted, and double sites cannot be booked.
  • Except for pit privies, toilet and laundry facilities, all shared facilities, such as showers, cookhouses, playgrounds, clubhouses, communal fire pits and firewood distribution centres must remain closed. Laundry facilities can only be used by one household at a time.
  • Food services are permitted to offer in-person dining at reduced capacity, in accordance with the restaurant guidelines.

Enhanced Sanitation:

  • Campground owners must provide training and information to staff on proper cleaning and disinfection in accordance with the following guidance: https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/files/factsheet-covid-19-environmental-cleaning-NL.pdf
  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection practices must be implemented in the following areas:
    • Shared washroom facilities and pit privies;
    • Picnic tables, garbage cans and other high-touch surfaces in campsites upon check-out before next use;
    • Central sewage dumping stations and RV water fill stations; and
    • High-touch surfaces in settings where staff frequent, including offices, food establishments, and convenience stores.
  • Campers must dispose of their own garbage and recycling in dumpsters and receptacles provided by the campground.

Recreational Activities:

  • Outdoor swimming pools are permitted to open with a limited number of people (refer to swimming pool guidelines once available).
  • Outdoor tennis courts and soccer fields are permitted to open, however campers must bring and use their own equipment.
  • Recreation rentals (e.g. kayaks, paddle boats, etc) are not permitted.
  • Indoor recreational facilities must remain closed.
  • Access to beaches is permitted as long as monitoring is provided to ensure appropriate physical distancing and to prohibit mass gatherings.
  • All community events must be postponed.

Updated on June 5, 2020


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